Why a Sweet Apple Pug?
Read what our Families are saying about our Pugs!

Photo by Cheryl Ballinger Photography |

5 Weeks Old |
Its been a wonderful first 8 weeks. I can't begin to tell you how much we love our new little addition, "Tanker
Bell" She has created quite a stir here at the house. I love watching four people fighting for time to love and kiss on her.
She is the cutest cuddley little thing and she already knows how to give "kissys" back when asked. I would
like to take credit for training her well, but to be honest she was so-o-o smart she needed very little prompting. I've
never had a puppy learn so quickly, she certainly comes from good stock! Tanker is a very loyal puppy and follows me where
ever I go. We work on the computer together, she helps me sew (not really..she just chews the threads..lol) and watches me
cook, clean... she is always right next to me. I love when I go to the basement and she sits at the top of the stairs
and just patiently waits for me, wagging her curl. Tanker has even gone on photoshoots with me, and they love her to be in
some of the shots. Whats not to love..with her adorable face.
I am so happy I found you and your wonderful pugs!
I loved knowing about her from the pregnancy
thru all her first weeks. I bonded with her even before I got to take her home.
People stop and ask me about her, and I tell them she is a "Sweet Apple" Pug, and when they say they don't know what
that is, I tell them about you and how wonderful you are with the puppies. I know this makes a big difference!
Tanker gives us endless hours of love and smiles, and I can't wait to send you a video of her "food" dance...Its priceless.
The girl doesn't want to miss a meal, hence her name..Tanker Bell, and not Tinker!
Thank you Nation and Willow, you would be proud of your little girl.
Cheryl and Family (OHIO)
Hi Bessie!
sitting here at my computer with Emme asleep on my lap and thought I’d drop you a note and let you know how she is doing!
Let me just say, she is so stinkin’ adorable and very spoiled already! She is the center of
attention and we love her so much!! We can’t imagine not having her in our life.
We hope you are still breeding pugs when we need another one!
She had
her second vet appointment last week and weighed in at 7.2. The vet said she was doing great and could
tell she came from a good breeder and was raised in a home with human interaction. She is definitely a
social butterfly! ... Emme
loves to go bye-bye and we take her everywhere we can. I feel like I have another baby always having to
take along her “doggie bag” when we leave the house with her food, water, toys, blankie, poop bags, etc!
Every morning she rides in the van with me to take Colton to school. She watches him out the van
window the entire time he walks up to the school. She is so funny!
My husband, who wasn’t sure about getting a “pug”
for a dog (as we’ve always had big dogs in the past) has fallen in love with her, too. She definitely
stole his heart! In fact, the other night when he told the boys it was bed time, he picked her up and gave
her kisses and forgot to kiss the boys goodnight before he climbed into bed! You see where she ranks!
She loves to lay on his chest and nap with him in his recliner. She also has been his garage dog,
lately, hanging out with him in the garage when he is working on stuff. He even brings her blankie out
there for her to lay on when she gets tired!
We tease
Colton , our 11 year old, that Emme is a “chick magnet”! He was walking her around at a baseball
tournament a few weeks ago and was attracting some teenage girls who wanted to pet her. They asked what
her name was and then said, what is your name to him! He turned bright red when they asked his name!
It is too funny!
our 9 year old, always wants to buy her stuff. In fact, we went to the pet store yesterday and he picked out three new stuffed
toys and two bones for her! He also always wants to buy her clothes! Not much to choose from here so we are hoping to
go where my sister buys outfits for her toy poodle! (Told you she was spoiled!)
We took our convertible to the car show this weekend and
we met lots of new people wanting to pet Emme and steal a kiss from her! She loves to kiss, kiss, kiss.
In fact, every morning she licks my entire face when I take her out of her kennel!
Also, she
LOVES to eat! She is an oinker! Is that normal for pugs to clean the food bowl the minute
it hits the floor? She eats at 7 a.m. and 5 p.m. like clock work. And believe, me, if
you haven’t fed her, she is in the mud room licking and barking at her food container reminding you it is din-din time!
She is even known to pick up her stainless steel bowl and carry it around until you feed her. She
is a hoot!
I guess I’ve done enough bragging about Emme! You already know how sweet Pugs are and I just wanted
to let you know we agree! I’ll attach some pictures we’ve taken of her too, so you can see
her in action!
again for everything and keep raising beautiful pugs!
Susan (Ohio)
Hope |

3 Months Old |
Hope |

1 Year |
Hi Bessie!
I cant believe Hope is going to be 1 year old! She is such a beautiful and wonderful baby! You have given my husband
and I a precious babydoll and we love her very much! She is so healthy and my vet stated "you can tell she came from a top
quality breeder, very healthy and beautiful!" Its been a tough year loosing my other pug earlier this year and my momma a
few months ago. When my mom got sick, which was quick and sudden, Hope never left her side. We stayed there taking care of
her for a few weeks til she passed. On the evening she passed, Hope acted very strange, she didn't eat or drink all day and
went and took every single toy into my moms room and placed them at the foot of her bed. The very moment she passed Hope licked
her feet then went running through the hallway howling and a few minutes later ate and drank. She is so special to us! She
is such a blessing and we enjoy every moment with her! Thank you again!!!!
We wish you well!
Ryan and Cathy (OH)
Hootie |

Hootie and his CockerPoo Friend |
Engagement: Hootie will be the ring bearer! |

Hi Bessie! Just wanted to let you know how great little Hoot is doing...First of all, he is growing up so fast! I took
him to the vet for his third round of shots on Monday and he weighed 7 1/2 pounds! Big boy! As you can see from the pictures,
his face has really filled out and it's the perfect little pug face - looks like Mr. Wooley! And he is big enough to walk
up the steps now!
He is doing great at home. I would say he is about 90% house trained, and he knows "come" and "sit". We are starting
puppy obedience classes tonight so I'm sure he will learn more tricks! I'm amazed at how smart he is. I've also been walking
him a lot, so he is now used to his leash, collar, and harness and is very good at going on a walk. He's such a good boy!
He sleeps in his crate at night and sometimes during the day - he loves his little home. However, we do take naps on the couch
together a lot - he is such a little cuddle-bug!
I introduced him to my parents' Cocker spaniel/poodle mix and they are best friends - little Hoot is so playful and loving.
Thank you so much for my amazing little pug!
I think Kathy may have told you about the Pug reunion in Columbus at the end of May - Hootie
and I hope to see you there!
Attached are some pictures of my little man :)
Talk to you soon!
-Megan (OH)
Hamdi |

One Year Old |
Hamdi |

6 Weeks Old |
Hi Bessie, Hamdi turned 1 yr. old last week and I thought of you so thought I should drop a line!! First
of all I am absolutely in love with my dog and he is the best thing in my life. He has grown to be an extremely handsome boy.
New York City is full of pugs but I have yet to see one as cute as mine and
I am not saying this because I am biased (which I am) but we get stopped everytime and everyone agrees that he is very cute.
Another thing is that he has a silky coat which is very soft compared to other pugs I ever touched. On top of that his
personality and manners are spectacular. He is also very kind to strangers and very social with other dogs. He is a walker
now but he loves his bag and to be carried around, so I upgraded him to a bag with wheels recently:) Now when he gets tired,
he gets wheeled around and he loves it. He is also a jetsetter. I take him with me when I travel. He went overseas
with me last summer and he was amazing on the plane. It is an 10-11 hour plane ride (with customs and airport shenanigans
can be up to 15 hours or so) and I took him with me on board in his bag and he just chilled the whole way through. No barks,
no whines, no “accidents”. I did not sedate him and he was a better traveler than most kids. As
you can imagine everyone is in love with him. My dad begged me to leave him there with him. My roommates fight over him.
He is also very healthy. I give him small portions and keep him under 20 pounds. He likes snoring very much and he thinks
he owns my bed (which he does). I feel so lucky that he was available for me because if I had to imagine the perfect dog,
it still wouldn’t be as good as him! My dad adores Hamdi and I promised him a pug (so I can keep mine haha).
I want to get him a puppy sometime this year, he wants one so bad!! And he loves my dog..he skypes with him! I
am sending you some photos and pug love. I hope things are wonderful there.
Ekin (NY)

6 Weeks Old |
Bean |

3 Months Old |
Hi Bessie!
We can’t believe it’s been almost 3 months since we brought Bean home. He’s already such a wonderful part of
our lives and we can’t imagine life without him. We are
pretty sure that’s he is as happy as we are being part of our family. I don’t know where to start to tell
you all the great and special things about Bean and our life with him, so I thought I’d jot down some memories that come to mind and send you a few pictures that tell the story as well.
Why we love Bean!
Ø He’s a total love bug –
he’s such a wonderful little shadow every where
you go. Always by your side making you watch your step (which can be a challenge in the kitchen) and so much fun when
you walk around the house and he’s right there with you. Sometimes he just wants to play (always has a toy nearby)
and others he will just get as close to you as he can
and snuggle up for a nap. The best part is when his little snoring starts and you know he’s right there with you.
Ø He’s a clown –
he does the Pug run in circles out of no where, chases
butterflies and flashlight lights on the floor.
He goes bananas when he smells food – literally leaps in
the air. But is a good boy, and sits each time before
we feed him.
Ø He’s a rock star –
he’s got a HUGE fan club already in Dayton .
Every where we go, he’s making new friends and everyone
just LOVES him to pieces. We took him camping and
his feet barely touched the ground because all the little girls in our group were carrying him every where with them. I take him into work with me when he has his vet appts because the vet is
down the street from my office and everyone comes out of their cubes to visit and get down on the floor and play with him.
They all remark how happy he makes them and call me “Bean’s Mom” now.
Ø He’s a great little brother and “lab in training”
– our lab, Magic, has really taken to him and he is always by her side, learning how to chase squirrels, play tug of war
with stuffed
birds and chipmunks, point when he sees a critter in the
bushes and generally be a little rascal to her by chasing her tail around. They are now snuggling
together and we can’t imagine having one without the other.
I could go on and on because we love him
that much!
Hope you and Gene are well.
All the best,
Molly, David, Ellie, Vivi and Magic
P.S. Bean sends you lots of puppy kisses!
Hi Bessie!
Sorry it has taken so long to send you pictures of our adorable Miss Vi but she keeps us all very busy! Pug Chop
(as she is lovingly referred to) is the love of our lives and such a good girl. She is growing like a weed and is no
longer your "Shrinking Violet"! When we brought her home anyone we talked to that has had puppies couldn't believe
how well she had already been potty and crate trained. You certainly can tell how much love and attention is
given to your Sweet Apple Pugs. We've picked up where you left off with love and attention but also we've added
properly spoiled! We'll send you more pictures of Violet as she continues to grow.
Diane and Kevin H. & family (OH)
Abby |

Hi Bessie,
I'm finally sending you an update on Abby. Sorry it has taken me so long. She is just
the sweetest little girl. She's so smart & Very quick to learn. she is doing really well in her training classes. I think
she looks more like Willow everyday. Everyone that see's her can't get over how pretty she is. I've attached a couple
of pictures of her. She's getting so big. 6 months old in a couple of weeks!!
I'll send you another update on her in a couple of months. thank you so much for our "Abby".
Kerrie & kids
Venus |

Venus On Board |

Hi Bessie Just a few updates about how wonderful Venus is. She loved the lake house like I knew
she would. We have a lot of property and she could run as much as she wanted. She liked the boat and golf cart and even the
water. There is an area she could wade in and loved it. She is very special and amazing how she already goes to the door when
she has to go to the bathroom. The Vet said she looks wonderful and very healthy. I'll send pictures. I have to have Jordan
do that. My husband already loves her too. Kelly (PA)